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Volunteer Training and Volunteer Leader Project with Fundación SUMA

Social volunteering as a practice of participation is a process that has been consolidated in recent years. However, it is necessary to take another step in this way of participation by promoting and forming volunteer leaders who can assume the role of change.

The Volunteer Training and Volunteer Leader Project executed with Fundación SUMA during 2014 and 2015 sought to strengthen the work of the teams of volunteers and promote the practice of ACTIVE LEADERSHIP so they can take action from animation and coordination of groups and to energize the experience, expanding the number of volunteers and spaces of community intervention.

The project has two axes:

  1. Volunteer Training
  2. Promotion of Volunteers to assume Leadership Roles

Volunteer Training

To implement a training course for volunteers of the City of Buenos Aires that want to assume leadership roles within the program.

Promotion of Volunteers to assume Leadership Roles

Of the volunteers, there will be a selection with those who possess leadership skills.

Why the Proposal?

The importance of the work volunteers do in social organizations permanently provides them with practical knowledge and tools to enable them to work more efficiently. It is necessary to professionalize the practice of the volunteers and to achieve a job articulated among the volunteers that work within the institutions and among the volunteers who participate in the program.

The lack of real empowerment of the volunteers in the spaces that participate with different activities condition on one hand, a continuous monitoring of the same, and on the other, the permanence of the volunteers in the spaces they get involved.

We consider social volunteering as a sustainable practice of participation that is consolidated year by year, but without focusing on the detection of leaders or references within the same groups of volunteers. This action would make it possible to strengthen the links, in the first instance the volunteers among them, and on the other side to relink the relationship to the references to FUNDACIÓN SUMA, to consolidate and strengthen the same.

We believe it is necessary to advance further in this way initiated participation promoting and training volunteers who can assume the role of change.



Intensive Training
Module 1

Verbal survey of Strengths and Weaknesses of Volunteers in their Current Roles. Introduction to Leadership. Groups vs. Individuals.

Module 2

Effective Leadership: Personal Development: Bosses and Leaders/Subordinates and Collaborators.

Module 3

Teamwork – Group Work.

Module 4

Resolution of Conflicts – Mediation Techniques.

Module 5

Assertive Communication – Critical and Creative Thinking.

Module 6

Time Organization. Participation, Prominence, and Empowerment.

Module 7

Planning and Strategic Thinking.

Module 8

Formulation of Community Intervention Projects.

Transversally will work:

Transverse Meetings

Integrative Day 1: Attitude changes as a function of training and implementation. The volunteer as a mediator in the processes of experiential learning.


Social Skills: Ability to communicate (expression of ideas, expression of feelings, perception of reactions, handling opinions, forms of expression, clarification of doubts, investigation balance, exposure), ability to listen (foster positive living environments, listening time, prejudices, reading the body, capturing other’s feelings, managing discrepancies, giving efficient and timely responses), ability to observe by making ideas, ability to make and receive criticism, and behavioral changes.


Females in vulnerable situations in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood: everything has to do with everything?


Abuse, Violence, and Addictions.


Literacy strategies that children use to read and write. Upper and lower processes involved in the act of reading and writing. Own name. Learning and memory. Spelling. Expansion of the semantic field. Copying. Games and suggestions for intervention spaces. Different types of texts at different ages.


Toy workshop and game techniques. Creative writing workshop: a process that is taught?


Resilience, life skills and health advocacy.


Closing the activity. Systemization of the practice. Conclusions of the organization and participants.

Dictation Mode: Theoretical-practical.
Hourly load and distribution: 80 hours, 1 time per week for 2 hours, for 10 months.