(+54 11) 3981 3715 consultas@ges.org.ar


Your support is very helpful.

G.E.S. invites you to be a continuous part of the construction of a better future for children. Your help is essential to ensuring that each time more children have access to a better quality of life and fulfillment of their rights.

There are different options for making personal and corporate donations for the support of G.E.S.’s work for children in Argentina.

The donations can be made once or on a monthly basis in the following ways:

•Phone: Call toll-free from anywhere in the country at (54 9) 11 4304 7068, Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm. You will be attended by one of our collaborators who will be able to inform you about the work we do and the many ways you can participate.

• Facebook: You can make a donation by contacting us on Facebook.

• Email: Write us at donaciones@ges.org.ar.

• Card: You can add your credit or debit card and donate monthly by clicking here.

Or, visit our donations page.
